Dating apps struggle to respond to reports of sexual assault

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Crunching the numbers

  • ProPublica and Columbia Journalism Investigations reported that dating apps lack standards for responding to user complaints regarding sexual assault and other attacks. The news organizations asked to hear the stories of dating app users, with 224 people responding to a questionnaire. “Of those, 188 said they had experienced assault or harassment after using a dating app or had been matched with a sex offender or inappropriate person,” the report says.
  • According to the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, an estimated 3 to 10% of health care spending is lost to fraud. For Kaiser Health News, Daryl Austin reported that as dentists have lost appointments during the pandemic, some have pushed unnecessary procedures to get more money from insurance reimbursements.
  • A poll found 60% of Mississippi residents oppose a state Supreme Court decision that killed a voter initiative to legalize medical marijuana. The ruling also shuts down ballot initiatives, which allow voters to approve amendments to the state constitution.
  • A study from the World Health Organization estimates that 745,000 people around the world died in 2016 due to overworking.

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Industry observers predicted last year that illegal, predatory debt collection practices and scams would increase as job loss pushed more Americans into debt. We’re publishing a story later this month about how consumers have experienced more issues with debt collection during the pandemic.

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– Mollie Bryant
Founder and editor,