Lawsuit says OKC police broke a 74-year-old woman’s arm during search

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Crunching the numbers

In local news

  • In Brooklyn Center, Minnesota on Sunday, a police officer shot and killed 20-year-old Daunte Wright after mistaking her firearm for a Taser. The officer, Kimberly A. Potter, received a second-degree manslaughter charge yesterday, a day after she resigned from the police department.
  • A lawsuit alleges that Oklahoma City police officers entered a 74-year-old woman’s home without consent or a proper warrant and handcuffed her while searching for her son, who was experiencing a mental health crisis. According to the suit, police broke her arm during the search while she was still handcuffed.
  • From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Only 7% of inmates in Wisconsin have received at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine, compared to a third of state residents. Last week, The Marshall Project and Associated Press reported that less than 20% of state and federal inmates have been vaccinated.
  • A Texas rent assistance program has delivered just 1% of $1.3 billion available to help residents stay in their homes. That prompted some lawmakers to urge the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to put evictions on pause as the program works through its backlog of requests for help with rent.

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– Mollie Bryant
Founder and editor, Big If True